• Background Information
  • Burial Site Location
  • Timeline of Events
  • Media Gallery
  • Get Involved
  • “The land never fails in its beauty and its essence to take my breath away and calm me like nothing else can. I forget the breakdown of our name for it but I know and feel that we as sqilxw, as Syilx people are connected to it. As relatives we are born from it. We have parts of the land within our blood, our bodies, the rocks as minerals, the water our life blood that flows through our veins, the air the oxygen, the wind our breath, you name it, it is there within us as a reminder. Our captikwt remind us of our responsibilities and roles we have as sqilxw among the land. I cherish it all and keep it close to my heart. - Brandy Baptiste”

Get Involved

Participate: LSIB is continuing to move forward with ensuring the reburial of our ancestral remains. Join us on August 31, 2017, for a Day of Action to take a stand and get informed. Please share and spread the word! 

Ancestral Remains Day of Action

Support: We all have a role to play, add your voice to ours. Write a letter or call your government officials to let them know that the time for reconciliation and repatriation of ancestral remains is now.  

Write to: Honourable Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations. FLNR.Minister@gov.bc.ca

Website Currently Under Development