• Skul'qalt Forestry
  • “If you take the land from the People, the People will lose their way. - Madison Terbasket, age 11”

Skul’qalt Forestry

Skul’qalt Forestry Limited Partnership was formed under the Partnership Act of the Province of British Columbia on February 28, 2007.

Currently Skul’qalt is a tenure holder of several non-renewable licences, including a woodlot licence, providing 100,000m3 annually.  Over the last several years Skulqalt  has been successful in its focus to become self sustainable, fulfill Silviculture obligations, and generate a strong financial position.

Since 2007, this operation has hired local logging, hauling and road building contractors to perform associated phases on its tenures.  Skulqalt also offers Contract Services for Engineering, Archeology, and Silviculture activities, which has encouraged training and employment of many LSIB Members.

Skul’qalt employs a Watchman crew that is responsible for monitoring the non forestry activity along the lands and territory of LSIB, and Skulqalt tenures.  The purpose of this is to discourage illegal activity on the roads used and built for Forestry activity, as LSIB land and territory encompass US border.  The Watchman also manages provincial park and campground activity.

Skul’qalt operates under a economic development policy and has a Board of Directors  comprised of the following LSIB Members:

Website Currently Under Development