Chief and Council

As a unified and committed Chief and Council, we affirm our sacred obligation to serve our people, live a balanced contemporary lifestyle with culture and traditions as deemed important to our community (‘remember where we come from’), speak our traditional language and protect our natural resources and Syilx title and rights.

The LSIB Chief and Council endorse and support the vision of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band as approved on August 19, 2003:

‘We the Sovereign and respected Smalqmix of the Sjukwnaquin-x are committed to preserve our Land, History, Language, Culture and Tradition, to enhance the quality of life for ourselves and future generations.

Our priority is to empower ourselves to build a holistic community that is healthy, self sufficient, independent and strong.  We will create a safe environment in which we have the freedom to worship, work and play as we choose for our Greatest Resource – OUR CHILDREN!’

We cannot lead the LSIB to a prosperous and better future if our members are not supporting us; so we will work cooperatively and in partnership with all members, LSIB Administration and legal entities to achieve our proposed outcomes and results of improving the health and well-being of all our members.

Strategic Directions are the longer-term changes needed to achieve the vision, mission and goals identified in the Business Plan.  They represent a transitioning force that will influence the formulation of laws, by-laws, policies, programs and new strategies/initiatives to deal with the strategic priorities identified above.

The Strategic Directions for the LSIB Chief and Council are:

  1. The LSIB Chief & Council are committed to protecting our environment, lands and resources
  2. The LSIB Chief & Council are committed to the attainment of sustainable economic self-sufficiency
  3. The LSIB Chief & Council are committed to promoting the well-being of LSIB members based on our traditions and culture

Website Currently Under Development