Title & Rights

Lower Similkameen Indian Band Referral Policy

The Lower Similkameen Indian Band Referral Policy was created and designed as a tool to provide the following benefits:

  • Establish better working relationships with the Crown and Third Parties
  • Produce a timely, efficient and effective manner in referral response
  • Information management
  • Creating Community Employment
  • Assist the Chief and Council to make informed decisions regarding Title and Rights

The Lower Similkameen Indian Band believes in the vision for the land and water:

“We, the Sovereign and respected Smelqmix of the Sukwnaqin-x are committed to preserve our Land, History, Culture and Traditions, to enhance the quality of life for ourselves and future generations.”

The utilization of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band Referral Policy will enhance the vision by creating a more positive approach to working relationships with respect to our inherent responsibility to ensure that the Similkameen Valley retains its ecological integrity and intrinsic spirit.

For More Information Contact:

Sheena Louie, Referrals Coordinator
Tel: (250) 499-5528 Ext.126
Email: sheena.louie@lsib.net
Shannon Terbasket, Office Technician
Tel: (250) 499-5528 Ext.116
Email: shannon.terbasket@lsib.net

Please submit New Referrals to: referrals@lsib.net

Website Currently Under Development